Quality policy

The company has two action policies: Product quallity and Management quality.
ALSAPLAS’ corporate philosophy has always been to offer top quality products, applied to both of its action policies: Quality in the product and quality in management. By adapting the fittings in our own workshops, as well as performing continuous quality controls on the raw materials suppliers and constant monitoring of the production, we can guarantee the highest possible trustworthiness in all our products.
Our testing methods, developed in conjunction with our suppliers, allow us to perform in-depth control of everything from the raw materials to the manufacturing of the profiles. In addition, several independent testing institutions regularly carry out tests both internally and externally in the ALSAPLAS production departments, in order to guarantee the highest quality standards of the TERMIMAX and ALUMINIO windows.

La Calidad de nuestros productos está avalada por la garantía del sello del Marcado CE.

Los ensayos realizados periódicamente por institutos independientes tanto por nuestros proveedores de materias primas y componentes como sobre nuestros productos terminados, garantizan los más altos estándares de calidad de nuestras ventanas y cerramientos en términos de resistencia al viento, estanqueidad al agua, transmitancia térmica, permeabilidad al aire y prestaciones acústicas.